Holiday Trading and After-Hours Information 22-23

CRM Brokers wishes you and your family a very Merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year

CRM Brokers offices will close for Christmas and New Year on Tuesday 20th of December 2022 at 5pm. Our offices will reopen on Tuesday 3rd of January 2023.

If you do experience an incident during this time, you will have direct access to Insurers After-Hours Contact Numbers and Emergency Contact Numbers through our below links.

Please refer to their contact numbers where they will assist you with your claim and then communicate their procedures to us when we re-open.

Further information such as online claim forms and procedures are available through our Claims page.

After-Hours Claims Support

If you experience a claim after hours or on a public holiday and you are unsure of what to do, please contact us through our after-hours service, so that we can provide you with assistance. A message will be sent to key claims staff who will then get in touch with you.

The number to contact us on after-hours isĀ 1800 4 CLAIM.




The team at CRM Brokers wishes you peace, joy and prosperity throughout the coming year. Thank you for your continued support and partnership. We look forward to working with you in the years to come.


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