
If you have experienced or need to report a claim, please fill out the appropriate claim form by clicking on a link in our Make a Claim box below, or you may contact the CRM Claims team on


You can also contact CRM Brokers on 1300 880 494 (dial 1 to speak to the Claims Team, unless it’s after-hours, as you will be redirected to further options).


Strata Managers please refer to our strata-specific Claims Procedures post for further information.

After-Hours Claims Support

If you experience a claim after hours or on a public holiday and you are unsure of what to do, please contact us through our after-hours service, so that we can provide you with assistance. A message will be sent to key claims staff who will then get in touch with you.


The number to contact us on after-hours is 1800 4 CLAIM.

We will work with you to submit comprehensive information to underwriters and assessors, to ensure the best possible outcome with the minimum of disruption to you.

Make a Claim